
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 5, Mini hugs and pulled pork!

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Back to school for the kids!  I woke up, took the pup out and had a few cravings.  No cravings that were unbearable.  I mentioned it before; being dip free for 72 straight hours means my body has become 100% nicotine free.  It doesn’t stop cravings and it won’t stop the mental aspects, but so far, I haven’t had any head aches, body aches or soreness since day three ended.  Will it continue? I have no idea…


Today We’re going to get my LAST few cans of fake chew.  After today, I will no longer even chew the fake stuff.  Please keep in mind this fake chew has NO nicotine and NO tobacco.  Then why stop chewing it if it helps me?  I can’t do it forever!  Hell, it costs more than the real stuff does.  We’ll get more into the cost of chewing tobacco tomorrow.  We will give you some shocking details.  I guarantee you or someone you know smokes/chews and you might want to sit down and figure out how much money you or your friends smoke/chew away.  That’s assuming quitting for your health isn’t important enough for you.


Tonight Stacy and I have a date with a BBQ pork loin!  It’s cooking right now and it’s all lathered in a nice BBQ wet rub.  We’re cooking it low and slow-On low for eight hours.  I’ll be slobbering on and off all day until we finally shred it up and have a pulled pork sandwich!  Hurry up eight hours!  See the final Product below! 


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It’s early evening now and I still haven’t experienced any aches or pains.  I’ve had some mental cravings but nothing physical.  Today has been a good day, just like yesterday was.  The first three days were bad, with day three being the absolute the worst, but overall, I’ve been lucky.  I have also been lucky to have the support that I have.  Stacy, my mom and Stacy’s mom have been great.  Friends I didn’t even know I had, have been sincere and genuine with their words and positive comments.  I’m truly thankful.  I have a long way to go, but I’m thankful for any support I get and I’m thankful for it ANY time it comes.


I even had Beckett (5 year old) walk up to me and hug me and tell me how proud of me he is.  Hearing that from the little man just made my heart jump.  It felt good….Wait, it felt GREAT!  How could I let him down now?  I can’t.  I won’t.  I won’t let anyone down.  As Stacy says, “I’m stronger than nicotine.”


The night is about to end and it has been another good one! It has only been five days of this 100 day journey, but I am happy and I know Stacy is happy as well.  WE are doing it and I’m thankful for that.  Goodnight all.....

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