
Friday, January 25, 2013

Day One!

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Well, it’s day one!  Guess what?  Day one has sucked and it’s continuing to suck, but I truly believe it could and will get worse in the near future. 

I woke up and everything was fine……for three minutes.  Seriously, for three minutes I thought this “Dip Quit” Journey was cake!  Then my first of VERY many cravings punched me directly in the face, and in the stomach, and pretty much everywhere else. 

I’ve had the “Fog” today, which is where I don’t see anything clear, my brain is confused, my forehead has a ton of pressure on it and it feels like two large knives have been inserted into my forehead.  One of those knives has a midget doing pull ups from the handle; the other knife has a midget jumping on top of the handle.  My point is, even my headaches don’t even know how to behave!

So far, I haven’t eaten a TON of food.  I was expecting to eat non stop.  I guess I have eaten some, but as of 12:39 pm I have eaten: One bagel with bacon and cheese, a few handfuls of Sunflower seeds (will tell you more about the AWESOME seeds soon), a few pieces of hard candy, fake chew (NO nicotine) and one Meatloaf/Mashed Potato Lean Cuisine.  I know Lean Cuisine is just a “TV Dinner” but it was fantastic!  I definitely recommend them and Stacy and I are both going to be buying more.  I believe she had the Five Cheese Rigatoni.

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As I was sitting in the parking lot waiting for the kids to come out of school I just happened to look over and saw the guy beside me spitting into a bottle.  In case you didn’t know, this 100 Day Journey is to help me QUIT chewing.  I’m not sure why but seeing him spit into that bottle made want a dip instantly.  Yes, I know how gross that sounds.  I also know that I have a heavy addiction to nicotine and my “choice” of nicotine has been through smokeless tobacco for the last 16 years.  To me, spitting into a bottle meant two things.  Someone was chewing tobacco and chances were that someone was me, but not this time!  Yes sir!

3pm-ish. Trying to keep my mind off dipping!  I’m failing…Stacy had a great idea.  She told me to try and make something and we decided I’d whip up a batch of our home made chex mix.  It helped me stay focused on getting through day one and it kept me productive at the same time.  Good idea Stacy!

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For dinner we went to get some Chinese takeout.  For those of you who don’t know us, we absolutely LOVE Chinese takeout!  Want to hear something ridiculous?  Chewing tobacco even changed the way I eat/ate Chinese takeout!  Usually, when we go get Chinese buffet take out, I don’t steal any food off the buffet.  Ok, that’s a lie; I “test” a few things here and there.  However, tonight, because I haven’t been chewing, I “tested” five-six things!  I HAD to be doing something to keep my mind off chewing!  Oh, and by the way, I won the “is she pregnant?” bet with Stacy about the chick at the Chinese Restaurant. Ask her about it! I don’t get to brag too often, so I am tonight while I can.

Well folks, it’s 9:20, which means I’m 21 hours and 20 minutes into Day 1 of our Journey.  I’m proud to say I have not touched any smokeless tobacco.  Does Stacy want to punch me in the throat for the fits I threw today?  Probably….
We made it!  Only 99 days to go….

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