
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 4: The Best Day Yet! (and a special surprise for YOU!)

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Wow!  That’s all I can say.  I can’t even begin to explain in an accurate way how different I feel this morning than I did at this same time yesterday.  Yes, I still want to chew, I still have cravings and all that stuff, but I feel pretty damn good!  So far, no moodiness, grouchiness, headaches, body aches, etc. 

Maybe it’s because Stacy and I have been super damn busy since about 6am this morning.  The kids have off school because snow/ice and there was a terrible fire just up the street from us.  It’s unbelievably sad to see.  I don’t know the families who lost their homes but that doesn’t stop me from feeling horrible. 

Stacy also brought up a good point.  We are never thankful enough for our volunteer fire fighters.  We always assume that towns that have a small volunteer crew never really have to do anything.  Well, we’re WRONG!  The volunteer fire fighters have been at this fire since 4:30am and they are still there in full force working on this fire at noon.  Please make sure you thank your local volunteer fire fighters the next time you get a chance.

One of the things I started on the same day I quit chewing, was vitamins and supplements.  I don’t believe they will help me quit chewing, but they will help my body promote a healthier way of living.  Below is a photo of what I have been taking.

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I can’t emphasize enough how much better today has been than yesterday. The kids had a snow day, which was a blessing in disguise.  Why, you ask?  It kept us very busy! A five and seven year old inside a house all day can find numerous ways to keep adults busy. 

I’m actually proud to say this is a boring blog.  I still get lots of cravings but NONE and I mean NONE were like the ones I got yesterday.  I would have been grumpy towards Mother Theresa that day.  Speaking of Mother Theresa, Stacy has been my Mother Theresa.  She’s been there every second of the way. When I’m grumpy, she doesn’t back down or get sad, she puts me in my place!  According to my mom “All men need that from time to time.”  Although I hate admitting it, she’s right!

Well, we’re settling down for the night, about ready to hit the sheets, watching some Iron Chef America and guess what Mother Theresa just did?  Surprised me with an AWESOME back rub! There has never been a better time in my entire life for a back rub. It was the greatest back rub I ever had!  I love you Stacy!  Goodnight all…

Oh before we go....  Don't forget to read tomorrow!  We have a special surprise for you!  We'll give you a hint below.....

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