Day 83: I'm sure some of you are wondering how I'm going to beat my last post lol. Well, I'm not going to. I posted that because it was REAL and I needed to take responsibility for who and what I have become over the last several months. I wasn't proud of that person and I'm unbelievably lucky to have the support group that I have. Without them, I'm not so sure I'd be positive right now. I'd probably still be that guy, the one who let all the good, positive nature, love and fun get away from him. I still don't know exactly what, why, or how it happened but I do know that I'm back and I have my support group to thank for that. THANK YOU.
I have been warned of an "80 day funk," but I have to say, I've been lucky because it's day 83 and I haven't had a legitimate craving in five to seven days. Or, maybe they are "legitimate" cravings and I have gotten pretty good at fighting them off? All I know is that I've been in "nicotine funks" before and this is NOT one of them lol. Ask Stacy, she knows about my nicotine funks LOL.
I know I'm already starting to sound like a weirdo but do you realize how much you could change your negative attitude towards life and other people just by keeping the company of someone who is ALWAYS positive? First of all, it's much harder said than done, but it IS possible. I know this because I have done it. I'm also lucky because Stacy broke that rule. She kept me around even when I wasn't being positive, she believed in me and I thank her daily for that. Negative people will cause you to become negative. I would have been the person to cause you to become negative. The only reason Stacy didn't become a negative person is because of how strong she is. Again, I'm one lucky dude.
Stacy and my support group taught me that there is ALWAYS a reason or reasons to be positive. Just because you may have to search a little harder on some days, doesn't mean there aren't reasons to be positive. I lost sight of that and I lost sight of the all the good in the world, starting with the good in me. Stacy never lost sight of that. To this day I'm not sure why she didn't lose sight, all I know is I'm LUCKY. Wait, I think I might know why she never lost sight of the good in me...Perhaps she does love me with all her heart, the exact thing I tried to push away during my "negative" days. All I know for sure is this: She never gave up on me and I will NEVER forget that. I'm lucky to be marrying her and I can't wait to live the rest of our lives showing her that she won't regret keeping the faith in me.
Thank you baby!
I had another weigh in today, and it's probably my last one, or next to last one. I officially weighed in at 188.4 lbs. When I started this journey I weighed 189. So, 82 days in and I am still down 1/2 a lb. overall. Do we still have to talk about how the EXCUSE of "I'll gain weight if I quit nicotine" is just that, an EXCUSE? Besides, speaking from experience, if you're not serious about nicotine, you'll find plenty of excuses not to. Just don't let me hear you sing the weight gain excuse.
I also understand if you don't want to hear about us reading the bible. I was the guy who used to be like "why are they reading the bible, what is it really going to do?" It helps, it truly does. It feels good to believe in god in again. I was raised to believe in god, it's just one more positive thing I let slip away. No more. Sure, maybe it's not your cup of tea, I told myself it wasn't my cup of tea for awhile to. I don't know much but here is one thing I do know. When I was loyal to God, there was a lot more positive thoughts in my head both personally and professionally. Like Mrs. Roush told me...All things are possible with God. I truly believe that...Now it's time to go out and live OUR life with and around positive people...
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