
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 50: Family Support And

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Day 50:  It’s Day 50!  I know I’m only half way there, but I never thought I’d make it 50 days without nicotine!  I haven’t won, but I am winning! Yes, with lots of help from my family- Stacy, Momma Roush, my mom and all of you who have taken time out of your busy day to read my garbage! I haven’t met a lot of you, I haven’t talked to most of you in person, but I can’t tell you enough how thankful I am for all of your support so far.

I also want to thank all the guys at for all the support they have given me so far.  I wish some of you would go on that site because these guys are the real deal!  They TRULY care about helping not only me with this journey, but Stacy to.  There are so many cool pieces of accurate, real, and helpful information on that website.  Although I have been VERY lucky with all the family support, I don’t believe I could have even made it to 50 days without the guys at  If you know someone who chews tobacco, or if YOU chew tobacco, PLEASE take five minutes to visit the site and you just might decide to try and quit.  They will NOT judge you; they will welcome you with open arms and go out of their way to help you!  I mean it!
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I have learned a lot of things so far, but one of the most valuable lessons I have learned since beginning this journey is the journey will NEVER end.  It doesn’t end at day 50, 100 or even day 5,000.  Hell, I thought the journey ended after about two weeks.  I thought once the nicotine was out of my system that I’d be free and clear.  WRONG!  The psychological cravings are just as bad, if not worse than the physical cravings. The psychological cravings mess with your mind and they don’t have a stop button, pause button or power off button.  They happen when they want to and it doesn’t matter how or what you do to prepare.  You just need to take them head on. Half the time one of the “cravings” probably isn’t even an actual craving.  It could just be you thinking that because you were so used to having a dip at certain times.  Go have a snack, take a walk, brush your teeth, etc and it goes away.  If I was still TRULY addicted, those things wouldn’t work; they would just pro long my craving and make me grumpier. Anyway, Then I got random cravings and eventually caved to the temptations….TWICE!  Then I made it past day 17 (most recent cave), and day 40 (first cave) and I was confident, but not over confident.  Hell, I’ve had cravings the last 2-3 days!  I know cravings will continue but I also believe I’m getting much better at beating those cravings!  Again, it’s because of Stacy, Momma Roush, my mom and all of you!  That includes the guys at

For instance, our fridge just took a dump; well we think it took a dump the middle of the night because A LOT of our food has been ruined! 100% of the time I would have gotten stressed and immediately put in a dip.  Today, Stacy and I got stressed together, but more importantly, we worked as a team and fixed the dilemma. We even laughed several times during the ordeal!   We transferred all the food we could into our new fridge and got the old fridge out of here. No dip needed! Plus, it gave us an excuse to get Chinese takeout lol. 

I went to get the kids at the bus stop and I said “well guys, the fridge pooped out today.”  And Beckett (our five year old) said “Are you sure the fridge pooped?  It could have been Andy.”  He was VERY serious to!  See?  That’s how you make someone laugh!  Thank you Beckett!

I also just finished a movie called “Red Dawn.”  No, not the classic, the remake.  Remakes are rarely as good as the original, and this case is no exception.  I will say, however, that I did enjoy this remake and I would recommend it to all of you.  Give it a try. If you haven’t seen the original, YOU HAVE TO! I’ll post a photo of the original.  I actually think it’s at Wal-Mart (it’s at ours) for $5.00 and it comes in a double feature pack with another Charlie Sheen movie.  Obviously Charlie Sheen is in the original lol.

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Good night all…

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