
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 22: Mini Ice Cream, Old Habits!

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Day 22:  “It takes 21 days to break a habit.” That’s the saying I never heard before, until I started this journey.  Stacy brought it to my attention and once she brought it to my attention, I have heard it from several other people and I have also read it several different times.  Is it true?  I’d imagine it’s true for many people.  I also imagine it’s not 100% true for everyone.  As for me, I think a lot of the habits that I started to help me quit chewing have been “broken” already.  It’s been five or six days at least since I’ve had fip,, which I thought would be the hardest habit to break, besides real dip.  However, I do still have some hard candy while watching TV in bed and I like to have some sunflower seeds.  Does that mean I need more than 21 days?  Or was me chewing the ACTUAL habit?  All I know is this, I haven’t chewed tobacco in 21 days and that’s ALL that matters to Stacy, me, and my support group!  Right? (In case you haven’t noticed yet, the readers are a HUGE part of my support group!)
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We just went to Walmart to get some things, pretty much like every other day lol.  I’m pretty sure we single handedly keep that place in business.  I’m also pretty sure EVERYONE says that, which is why that place is a multi-billion dollar company.  We went mainly to get the ingredients for Sushi, which we’re making on Saturday.  We’re having a stay at home date night! (Insert sexy whistle here).  Yes, home made sushi photos will be posted!
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Then we stopped over at Boyer’s, which is our local family owned grocery store.  Every town has one of those, right?  I like Boyer’s but it’s expensive in there. We stopped there because their produce section is much better than Walmart’s.  We don’t care about the price when it comes to good produce.  There is nothing better than fresh produce! Anyway, while we were there looking for healthy veggies, Stacy tripped, and then fell into the ice cream isle and she found these things!  They are AWESOME!  More please! Great find baby!
I assume only ex chewers will understand this next part, and Stacy because she sees the cheesy smile on my face every time I do it.  The rest of you will probably think I’m a complete whacko.  Either way, I don’t really care because I’m about to tell you something that makes me feel good about being a quitter.  Every time we end up with empty bottles; juice bottles, soda bottles, Gatorade bottles, etc. I LOVE throwing them out in the recycle bin!  No, not because I love our Earth and want to preserve it for our great, great, great grandchildren.  I love doing it because it feels great to throw empty bottles away, instead of storing them in the corner of our kitchen so I can spit in them!  It probably sounds VERY silly and simple to most of you, but to me, it’s a sign of victory.  No, I haven’t won anything yet, but each time I do something like that, it reminds that I am winning.
Speaking of winning, have any of you seen the movie “End Of Watch,” yet?  First and foremost, it’s one of the MOST intense movies I have ever seen!  The movie stars Jake Gyllenhaal.  He and another guy are super cops in the LAPD.  In other words, they are best cops in the division.  Some of the movie is filmed like a regular movie; some of it is filmed through a camcorder of Gyllenhaal’s character.  I’m not usually one for the camcorder affect but for this movie, it worked great!  Anyway, my point is, although it’s seriously one of the most intense movies I have ever seen, I laughed several times during the movie.  Not because it was funny, but because Gyllenhaal’s character chewed tobacco!  I laughed because in my 16 years of chewing, I can count on one hand at how many characters (minus huge exaggerated rednecks) actually chewed tobacco.  Usually you see them smoking, but not chewing. It just cracked me up to see a main character chewing tobacco less than three weeks after I quit!  I am proud to say it didn’t make me want to chew.  I can’t say it wouldn’t have tempted me had I watched a day earlier or day later though.  All I know is I found it funny, but not tempting at the time.  Oh, and if you’re looking some intensity, bad ass scenes, no holds barred violence, love, and some comedy, check it out!  I can assure you though; it will shake you up, unless you have no heart or feelings.
I’m tired…Good night all…

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