
Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 30: Boston Market And Bingo!

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Day 30:  Hello day 30!  I have officially made it 30% of the way!  What does that mean?  Absolutely nothing!  Would you be happy if you got a 30% on a test, or if you only finished 30% of a book, or if you only got 30 out of 100 things done on your to do list?  No!  Therefore, I’m not happy or in any rush to celebrate! I’m happy to have made it 30 days, but not happy enough to celebrate anything.  We’ll celebrate when we make it to day 100, then we’ll be shooting for day 200!
Today is the first day our kids are riding the bus home.  I’m super nervous for them.  I just want to make sure they get on the bus ok, find friends to sit with and behave while on the bus.  And, naturally, I hope they don’t get picked on or pick on anyone else.  You would think kindergarten and 2nd graders are too young to know what bullying is, but let me assure you, bullies and victims come in ALL shapes, sizes and ages!
They made it!  Picking them up at the bus stop was a blast.  Beckett got off the bus screaming “I did it!  I did it!”  Auden got off the bus with the attitude like “yeah, of course I did it, I’m a big kid.”  But, you could see how much fun she had.  Don’t worry Auden, your “big kid” secret is safe with me.  It just cracks me up that Auden has days where she believes she’s old enough to be a “big kid,” then there are days where she acts her age, which is seven. 
We just did something simple for dinner tonight, Stacy had a Boston Market Salisbury Steak Dinner and I had the Boston Market Country Fried Steak Dinner.  Both were terrific!  You should check them out next time you go to the grocery store.  I’ll be honest though, I had the Boston Market Chicken Parmesan the other day and I didn’t like it.  I like the cheap “Banquet” Chicken Parm better than I like Boston Market Chicken Parm.  The Banquet is $1.00 and the Boston Market (yes, much bigger serving size) is $3.00, maybe more.
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Now it’s time for us to play our all time favorite App. Bingo Bash!  If you haven’t checked it out yet, do it!  You’ll be addicted in no time.  It’s the only App. that has kept our attention for longer than a month or so.  
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Good night all…

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