
Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 10 and our Chinese Superbowl!

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Today has been a much better day, I think?  I took a step back though, at least in my opinion.  I went and bought a can of fake chew.  It’s the stuff with no nicotine and no tobacco so it’s harmless.  However, I wanted to quit doing that to.  I don’t like using crutches.  I just know it’s a million times better than chewing the real stuff. Again, I feel it’s a step back, but it’s much better than giving in to the real stuff.
I also failed in another way.  Stacy has been looking for her Pantine Spray Gel all over the place.  She usually gets it at Walmart and it hasn’t been there.  I went to CVS and Rite-Aid and couldn’t find it there either.  I was hoping to get her a small gift to show her how much I appreciated her support over these first 10ish days.  No luck!  We still can’t find it anywhere! Fail.
So today’s the Superbowl, featuring the Ravens and 49ers.  However, when you live in a house with a five and seven year old, there is also another “bowl” that is just as, if not more important than the Superbowl…..Any guesses?  The Puppy Bowl!  That’s right, Puppy Bowl IX! Auden and Beckett watched it on and off from the time it started until they went to bed and in bed as well.  I guarantee they’ll watch it when they are getting ready for school tomorrow to, assuming it’s still running on a loop.
For Stacy’s and I Superbowl grub, we didn’t go traditional.  We had our very own Chinese!  Pork pot stickers and chicken fried rice, with bacon! We love the pot stickers and I love the fried rice.  Stacy even loved the fried rice tonight!  I added an extra teaspoon of vegetable oil tonight, I’m not sure how much of a difference it made, but it must have! It was goooooood!
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We’re also having smoothies, and it’s our first time making them here at our house. We’re going to add two bananas, half a cup of strawberries, half a cup of blueberries, half a cup of low fat vanilla yogurt and half a cup of skim milk.  Then for nutritional value, we added a handful of fresh spinach.  I’m sure you’re asking, what!?!?  I promise you will NOT taste the spinach!  Why not add some positive nutritional value at no cost to the taste? They came out fantastic and we didn’t add ANY sugar! All the sugar was from the natural sugar you find in fruits. I put mine in the freezer for a few minutes and it was f’n delicious! I’m considering adding bacon next time….Seriously…
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We’re watching the half time show right now….Stacy’s opinion of the half time was….”It was ok, I expected her to sing more and sing more new songs and dance less.” My opinion of it?  She’s incredibly talented but she didn’t really utilize her talent.  She utilized technology but not really her incredible voice.  I guess that’s the “norm’ these days with music, especially pop music.  Technology first, talent (if any) second.
The lights went out! Stacy said the FUNNIEST comedic line of all time and we were too scared to post it on Facebook. However, in my opinion, it’s too funny not post on at least one forum!  When the Superdome lights suddenly went out, Stacy looked at me with a straight face and said “ah man, Ray Lewis just killed the lights.” I literally “lol” and couldn’t stop.  Any of you who really knows Stacy, knows she usually isn’t the one to make bold or “controversial” comments.  That’s why it was so damn funny to me!  Hahaha that’s my girl!
Well, the Superbowl has come and gone and so has the NFL season.  It’s now baseball season!  Let’s go Orioles!
As far as the chew, today was a good day.  I was a little worried that watching football on TV would be a chew trigger.  It just didn’t hit me. I was lucky.  I know there will be some triggers in the future and I intend (with my family support) on kicking those triggers right in the nuts.  I’ll do it, I will.  Good night all…

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