
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 2: Motherly Advice and Chantix.

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Day 2:  Not a great day.  I learned that it only takes ONE dip to truly send you back to day one.  I thought that since I had 17 days in with absolutely no nicotine, only one dip wouldn’t put me all the way back to the beginning.  Guess what?  It did! What makes it worse is the fact that it was my own fault.  It was my lack of will power that put me back at day one. 
For the most of the day I’ve been ok.  Stacy and I stayed busy….Until early afternoon.  The moment we got our things done, it seemed like my mood changed.  It’s almost like the very second I took time to think about quitting chew, I became a grouch.  I became the guy that I don’t like, the guy no one would like, and the guy that’s inside anyone who quits their nicotine addiction.  Yes, everyone becomes irritable when they quit nicotine cold turkey.  That doesn’t make it right or ok!
With some great advice from Momma Roush (and Jason B.), Stacy and I are going to look into Chantix. Chantix is prescription medicine specially developed to help people beat nicotine.  It’s nicotine free and often not needed as long as it’s prescribed for.  I like the idea of it based on several things.  I have heard two success stories just from people I know.  I also love that it’s nicotine free, unlike the gum and patch.  Stacy and I decided that if I’m still having issues with my cravings on 2/21, we will make an appointment to see a doctor, that’s one week. We’d consider it before then, but it’s very expensive.  However, if I’m still having issues a week from now, we’ll be more than happy to pay the money lol.   Until then, we’re going to try other remedies and I’m going to use the will power that I haven’t used. There are different herbal remedies but I never know if those will work.  I don’t care what you say, you don’t know if the herbal remedies will work either lol. Hell, we don’t know what those remedies could do! Maybe they will work, maybe not, maybe they’ll do something different all together lol.

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 I’m hoping tomorrow (day three) will be much better than day one and two.  History says it will be.  Facts say it’ll be my third day and therefore I’m very close to being nicotine free. 
I’m an idiot…I’m reading what I have already typed and I just realized I continue to PUT MYSELF THROUGH THIS PAIN.  I’ve been through all of this before!  Hey Brian, you’re an idiot, STOP it!  I’m getting sick of myself and I’m sick of going through these days three times lol. 
Today, Stacy read that most smokers/chewers fail six or more times before they finally quit. I’ve failed twice.  That in NO WAY makes me feel any better.  I’m mad and disappointed in myself that I failed twice, let alone six times!  Hmmm, only 98 days away from success lol. 
Good night all…

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