
Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 14: Two Week Weigh-In And A Sneak Peek!

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Day 14:  Two weeks!  We made it two weeks!  It wasn’t easy and it wasn’t always fun, but we’re two weeks closer than the guy/gal who hasn’t tried to quit yet. Stacy says that to me every day and it never gets old.  I had some major cravings but Stacy kept me grounded.  She always keeps me grounded and sticks by me no matter what.  Her support has been better than any other alternative.  I’m very lucky to have her as the leader in my support group.  Any successful “quitter” will tell you that having strong family support is a big reason for their success.  If they tell you otherwise, they’re lying!
Ok folks, today was my two week weigh in.  Remember, after my first week weigh in I weighed 190.  I started on day one at 189.2 lbs.  Yes, that means I only gained eight-tenths of one pound during the first week.  I was expecting it to be much worse!  Since it didn’t happen the first week, I was sure it would catch with me this week right?  Well…It didn’t!  As a matter of fact, I lost weight!  I weighed 186.6 lbs today.  I weighed myself three times and it said 186.6 ALL THREE TIMES!  I’m not really watching what I eat or on a strict diet.  Yes, I’m active.  Hell, we all are.  We’re raising two kids.  Of course we’re active! lol

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I know I’m getting ahead of myself because it’s only been two weeks, but what’s (so far) the moral of the story here?  The “I’ll gain weight” excuse is for the birds!  All excuses are!  Sure, I might end up gaining weight, but I’d MUCH rather gain weight than lose my face, family, life, well you get it right?  You can NOT quit any addiction what so ever as long as you have excuses.  Believe me, I was one of those excuse givers.  I quit for six weeks and then gave excuses.  Hell, other people had excuses for me!  Before that, I always had excuses as to why I couldn’t/wouldn’t/shouldn’t quit chewing. Sixteen years is a LOT of time to come up with excuses.  I did and MANY other addicts did as well.  They still are! Are you one of them? Are you?
Ok, off my soap box now, time to put Stacy on it! Starting next week this blog will be about A LOT more than me quitting dip.  It’ll have recipes, girlie stuff, kid stuff, dude stuff, reviews of our favorite weekly things, Pinterest Favorites and Fails and MUCH more!  Stick with us!  If you’re already with us, invite some of your friends!  You just might enjoy what you’re reading and watching!  Remember, once we get to 100 likes on our Facebook page, we’ll be giving away the $25.00 gift card to Outback Steakhouse and several other places.
Goodnight folks…

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